Thursday, August 25, 2011

Big Old Belly!

So I waited 5 months until my belly actually looked some what pregnant. But really it just looked like I ate too much at lunch and had a food baby.

I waited just one more month and it looked like this!

One month later....
2 weeks later...
It's fascinating at how fast little Joa is growing. I'm 7 months (28 weeks and 4 days to be exact) now and I'm kind of scared to see how big I'll be when I'm 9 months. At the rate he's growing I should possibly fear for next week.


Here are shots of my belly at 8 and 9 months!

8 months prego

9 months prego (38 weeks, the day before I went into labor)


  1. oh i love your growing belly! too cute :) when are you due? i think we may be due around the same time! we are also having a baby boy :) so excited for you both! and yay for blogs-- update more! hehe. love ya!

  2. ahhhh Suebee your belly is so cute!!! It looks so big in the last photo...don't worry, I'm sure you can't forget what a whale I looked like. :) I love you! Bellissimo!
